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The Google Civics Outreach Team trains candidates, campaigns, and organizations on best practices for Google products and tools.

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If you are running a political campaign, the site is meant to guide you through a number of trainings that can help with everything from securing your online presence to measuring your content’s impact.
The Google Civics website is for anyone engaging with the democratic process, including politicians and campaign staff, advisors, outreach professionals, fundraisers, and more.
To simplify your experience and help you find relevant trainings, our training collections are organized by objective. You can use the filter function on the All Trainings page to search by objective, and you can also search by Google products if you know exactly what tools you’d like to see trainings for.
To complete a training, simply click into it and start the video and/or slideshow. There is no official completion process, so you can review the material as fast or as many times as you need to.